Garden State

Its Sunday morning 6:00 am. Yes I’m awake… No, I’m not on a night out… Obviously, a reason to blog. It’s the first time that I’m blogging in a day even before I washed my teeth. I’m feeling great. It’s an amazing morning. I can here the birds chirp and the wind blow, along with a Bob Dylan song playing on 92.5 FM somewhere nearby.

Anyways, I watched a movie yesterday – Garden State. Truly marvelous. Zach Braff, Natalie Portman, and Peter Sarsgaard. A movie which I could term as a cute dope movie. Yes I know it sounds weird. The movies is about the events of four days in a guy’s life (Zach Braff), who is living his life on anti-depressants prescribed by his own father (a psychologist). In those four days, one of his old friends (Peter Sarsgaard) and a girl (Natalie) somehow succeed in changing his entire life and making him discover the joys of life. Natalie acts great as a full-of-life, free-spirited, talkative (dumb) girl. Okay that was redundant anyways it helps to specify “dumb” sometimes. Cinematography, abrupt sequence of shots and great editing has resulted in an amazing portrayal of change of emotions. The movie has a lot of out of the blue events, unrelated to the main theme. Such as a bunch of nursery kids making a chain holding hands and crossing the road on an overcast morning. These events are placed at appropriate places in the movie to bring out the thoughts in the minds of characters. All this makes it qualify for a dope movie. And the cuteness is inherent everywhere in the movie, especially whenever Natalie is around. Good to watch a well-made movie after a long time.

Bye for now, I need to have some tea.

6 thoughts on “Garden State

  1. Jeet says:

    cute like ‘legally blonde’ ?.. that movie was infi pink man..

  2. Yep. But I dont remember watching it. Anyways, the trailers were really pink (and furry). This was different, cute … may be as in “Baaton Baaton mein”. May be inappropriate comparision overall, but cuteness was similar.

  3. Anonymous says:

    not bad the movie reminded me of this site

  4. Varun Singh says:

    Dopu movies ka baaap .. harold & kumar.. get hold of it man!

  5. Megha says:

    Interesting review. I haven’t watched Garden State yet, but I’ve been a fan of Zach Braff thanks to Scrubs, so hope to see GS sometime soon.

    And thanks for dropping by on my blog! Your comment about a walk in the clouds had me wondering – how exactly did you expect a walk in the clouds to be – lots of cloudy posts? Floating thoughts? Or perhaps something that keeps you on a perpetual high? Hmm, definite food for thought (and puns).

    Just for your sake, here’s the story – I’m named Megha (megha = cloud), so A walk in the clouds is simply meant to be a walk in my thoughts, however strange they are.

    And I don’t mind the criticism at all, so don’t worry about it. It only gives me a chance to think of more randomness. Cheers and thanks for visiting! 🙂

  6. Jeet says:

    main to ghalib translation post pe tumhare comments ka intezar karta hi reh gaya.. bhai reply karo..

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